One Brit (in the UK) and a Dane in China…

Paul Bradley

I left the Corporate world in 2002 and set-up my first online business. In 2006 I went to China looking at launching and developing my own products.

I’ve sourced for Large Retailers, developed and sold products on Shopping Channels on TV. I’ve created and launched my own Brands…..I love Retail, talking to customers and selling online.

I met Michael back in 2008 in Hong Kong at a Fair, worked with him and his Brother – we kept in touch and decided it was time we did something again that was different & fun.

Born in the 70’s, loved the 80’s and survived the 90’s.

Michael Schjerbeck

I came to Guangzhou, China in 2002. It was a simpler time back then and possibilities for expats and Chinese in south China were vast. I’ve built up a trading / design and development company that in 2017 merged with a big EMS factory in Shenzhen.
It has branched out, and currently the team is focusing on building brands and quality products for consumers world wide.

Even after 20 years of developing, designing and manufacturing products – do I still look forward to create something new and exciting. Innovation is a lifestyle and culture I treasure.

Love being in China and being able to get just about anything at any time of the day. Life is bustling with life and hope, and for me it’s about the making the most out our short time her on earth.